Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The roof - fixed.

      When I was posting this picture I thought maybe I shouldn't write anything:) I was choosing the decoration for the roof for a week, I didn't like anything - it was too easy or too difficult and time-consuming. I was worrying too much, then I realized that this is my first big project, and if  I mess something up it's no big deal, I can fix it later, or don't fix at all but I always gaining some experience which is the most important for me.
     I relaxed a bit and started fixing the roof. And it's working now!:) You can open the facade without problems. I want to thank Karin, Caterina, Tom Pouce and Sans for great tips, in the result I used fabric as hinges (I forgot to make a photo, sorry, will do it next time).
    Some more pictures, I'm really sorry for the quality, I had to use my hubby's DSLR, and I'm not used to his camera, so they are a bit blurry.

Three pieces you see above will be used for wall decoration.  In russian it's called ("причелина" - pree-che-lee-na:), hehe, sounds and looks funny in Latin letters). This is the part that covers the corners of the house. So without it the house corners look like this:

With it:

I hope to make them tomorrow, and I'm moving to interior. It's going to be fun!

Наконец-то я это сделала! Закончила крышу, остались причелины. Где-то неделю я выбирала рисунок для крыши. Все было не то, или слишком просто или слишком сложно. Остановилась на данном варианте. Я не могу сказать что довольна, очень переживала, как получится, в результате поняла, что важен процесс, тот опыт, который я получу, а остальное совсем не важно. Сразу успокоилась - и сделала:) Фасад теперь открывается без проблем, спасибо всем тем, кто дал ценные советы. Подробной фотографии нет - я забыла:) Три элемента для причелин уже вырезаны. Осталось все это вместе собрать. Должно получиться неплохо. В целом, фотографии не очень - мой Кэнон разрядился, пришлось брать камеру у мужа:) А с ней я не очень дружу, дает холодные цвета очень. В общем, заканчиваю причелины и вперед делать интерьер. 


Karin Corbin said...

You have developed a good attitude. We must accept our limitations on the way to gaining more experience and still get on with the project at hand. That is the hardest thing to do when our goal is way beyond our ability.

I love the corners. I have several books on this style of Russian architecture that I have owned for many years. One is about the houses in Tomsk. I am very attracted to the textural qualities of this type of building.

Lize said...

This is an enormous project! I have to congratulate you, it looks beautiful and the detail is unbelievable! I'll be watching your postings every step of the way as I am not familiar with Russian houses (besides Dr Zhivago! ....1965 version!) It is great having so many able people who are so willing to share their knowledge!

Gonda's miniature said...

WOUW! Victoria this house you make it's fantastic!! and the windouws, it's a great job.

cockerina said...

Victoria is a great project, and you were really good at solving the problem, I'm happy for you!
I hope you continue to enjoy a lot!
I knew, I felt that we'd be successful!
I will continue to follow your blog and I am sure that soon, very soon I shall see your beautiful home completed in the best way .. courage, go ahead, I cheer for you!
kisses, Caterina

DollMum said...

It is looking wonderful - you've done a great job. Relaxing into the task and accepting that things can be fixed later is a good thing to do - it has obviously paid off. It is so fascinating seeing a Russian dollshouse being built rather than the western style Georgian etc houses.
Well done

Sans! said...

I knew you could do it, and you did, brilliantly! You are so sweet to thank me even though I barely suggested anything useful :). But I am honoured :). So is the whole thing fabric? How do you stiffen it? Does it flap in the wind? I am very interested in your method because I too have to work on trimmings for my tribal house. The architecture of an Indian tribal house however is a lot more folk and there's a lot of handpainting etc so it won't be perfect, like yours. Your house is going to be so amazing!

Reiko said...

It is a beautiful house you are making with lots of great details. I will be looking very much forward to see what the inside is going to look like.

Ascension said...

Hola!!!!!!!!!!me encanta como te esta quedando tu casa, es una preciosidad.Tiene muchisimo trabajo y te esta quedando perfecta.Siento no hablar tu idioma, me encantaria poder entender todo lo que explicais tu madre y tu (me encantan los trabajos de tu madre) besitos ascension

Maia's Twinkle Miniatures said...

The house is really pretty Victoria and congratulations on fixing the roof!
I'm also a perfeccionist, and like you I have to remind myself not to worry too much. But as an outsider, I think your house is incredible!
I can't wait for you to start on the inside. :)

Lisette said...

You're so beautiful doll with decorative borders.
Wood was my favorite


Viajes y Rutas said...

It's a great job! I love it!. The roof looks wonderful.

Evelien said...

Hi Victoria,

I just saw that your blog wasn't in my feeds, so I missed a lot of your posts, and're already this far!! The details you're making are so lovely but time-consuming. Really much respect for that! I agree with Dollmum, so lovely to see Russian architecture in miniature, it's a nice change!

groetjes evelien

jose said...

simply incredible I like many henorabuena

Glenda/MidSouth said...

You are doing a great job. I don't have the patience to take on a project as detailed as that.
Thanks for reading along - hope I don't get to boring for you. :)