Sunday, December 13, 2009

Almost a month

It's been almost a month when I posted the last entry.  These 2-3 weeks were quite busy, we have a new addition to our family, this little kitten.

He's just about 1,5 months old, very cute, very active little boy. So the last week I spent hours with him. He doesn't let me do anything but playing with him all day long. I guess I  don't need to say that I couldn't finish a thing in my dollhouse, just some basic fixes - floors and windows. I hope I'll be able to post some photos this week. Stay tuned!

Вот уже почти месяц без записей. Последняя неделя ушла на общение с этим котенком. Он еще совсем маленький, поэтому весь день уходит на то, чтобы поиграть, покормить и еще много чего. Нужно ли говорить, что я ничего не успела закончить в домике. Разве что самое основное - это полы и окна. Надеюсь, что смогу выложить фотографии на этой неделе. Молюсь, чтобы успеть сделать что-нибудь еще:)


cockerina said...

Your new tenant is very sweet! I also had an orange cat many years ago ... How did you call?

Caseymini said...

Your new kitten is really beautiful. Have you tried any of the museums in other countries? I know that Victoria and Albert in London has a wonderful website for looking for items. The have things from all over the world. Good luck in your search.

Victoria said...

He's sooo cute, we adore him. We don't have kids, so he's like a baby for us.:) I call him Keta.

Victoria said...

@Caseymini: Hi Casey! I've tried lots of websites - I love British ones, very good pictures and references, very good online galleries and libraries. I just feel bad about Russian museums, here people I think don't understand the importance of good presentation, they don't think about other people who would love to see the famous pieces of art but can't visit the museum offline.

PAKY said...

ooooh!! I adore cats, is so sweet!

Victoria said...

@PAKY: Thank you, Paky!:)

Eva said...

The kitten is so cute!! :)
Congratulation for the new family member

kathi said...

Your new little kitty looks just like my "Toby" when he was a baby!
He's a big furry fat cat now!

Evelien said...

that sweet kitten is a lovely miniature too!

have fun

groetjes evelien